Hostel Management System Project With Free Source Code using PHP

Hostel Management System Project With Free Source Code using PHP

Hostel Management System in PHP is web based application. This project used to manage the student, hostel details.Hostel Management System developed using PHP and MySQL.

Project NameHostel Management System Project in PHP
Language UsedPHP5.6, PHP7.x
DatabaseMySQL 5.x
Web BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
SoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Project Features

A project on hostel management system using Apache server and MySQL 5.62 developed. Hostel management system divided into two modules.

  • Admin module
  • User module

Admin Module

  • Login – This module is used for admin login.
  • Dashboard – Admin dashboard related total students, total rooms, total courses.
  • Course Creation- Admin can add and manage course(Add, edit and delete)
  • Rooms- Admin can create rooms(seater, fees)(Add, edit and delete)
  • Students Registration- Admin can register student profile.
  • Manage Student- (View and Delete)
  • Admin Profile
  • Change password
  • Access log- admin can see user login access details
  • Logout

User Module

  • User Registration
  • User login
  • User forgot Password
  • User Profile – User can update own profile after login
  • Change Password – Allow user to change the password.
  • Book Hostel – User can book own hostel
  • Hostel details : user can see own hostel details
  • Access log : User can see own login access log
  • logout

Software Requirement (anyone)

  • WAMP
  • MAMP
  • LAMP

Installation Steps(Configuration)

1. Download and Unzip the file on your local system.
2. copy hostel folder Put this folder inside xampp/htdocs/ .
3. Database Configuration

Open PHPMyAdmin

Create a Database hostel.
Import database hostel.sql
Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/hostel/”
Login Details
To Login as admin put inside browser “http://localhost/hostel”
Login Details for admin : admin/Test@1234
Login Details for user :

Disclaimer : This project is not for Commercial use.

Click Here For Download Source Code In Free

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