Accept Total Number of Participants in Class Program in Python For TCS

Accept Total Number of Participants in Class Program in Python For TCS Accept total number of participants (P) in class. A group of four divisions has to be created from registered participants. The 200. Sen hit for registration is of total number of participants registered is even number then, criteria for group division are that … Read more

You need to press A store has different categories of products in stock shown below TCS Code

A store has different categories of products in stock as shown below. Item Number=[101, 102, 103, 108]Item Name=[Milk, Cheese , Ghee, Bread]Price=[42, 50, 500, 40]Stock =[10, 20, 15, 16] When user give input with 2 values as Item number for item which user wish to buyQuantity for the item entered aboveWhen user enters above input, … Read more