The aim of this project is to suspect the E-mails which consist of offensive, anti-social elements and block them which help in identifying the suspicious user.
Suspicious email detection is a kind of mailing system where suspicious users are identified by determining the keywords used by him/her. The keywords such as bomb, RDX, are found in the mails which are sent by the user. All these blocked mails are checked by the administrator and identify the users who sent such mails.

Modules in the Suspicious E-mail detection
• Login Module
• Registration Module
• Administration Module
• User Module
• Mailing Module
1) Login Module
This module is used by administrator and users (who are authenticated) to login into the secure mail. The login details of the specified person will be entered and hence can enter into the secure mail.
2) Registration Module
This module is used by the unauthenticated users who are unregistered. The users must register themselves such that they can login into the secure mail.
3) Administration Module
This module is used by the administrator to perform the functions like managing the keywords, entering new keywords and to check out the block list of the discarded mails.
4) User Module
This module is used by the users to do operations like composing mail, checking out the mails in inbox and finally sending the mails to the authenticated users by attaching a message.
5) Mailing Module
This module is used by the users perform mailing system. The mailing system consists of composing the mails, sending the mails and checking out the mails in inbox.