Bubble Shooter is a super relaxing bubble pop game that will keep you busy for hours shooting balloons and solving puzzles. Play now and experience endless excitement with this highly addictive free shooting game! Train your brain and put your matching skills to the test playing this exciting bubble shooter game.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Bubble Shooter Game</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='bubble-shooter-example.js'></script>
<body style="background-color: gray;">
<canvas style="margin-left: 30%;" id="viewport" width="628" height="628"></canvas></div>
JavaScript Code
window.onload = function() {
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("viewport");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Timing and frames per second
var lastframe = 0;
var fpstime = 0;
var framecount = 0;
var fps = 0;
var initialized = false;
// Level
var level = {
x: 4, // X position
y: 83, // Y position
width: 0, // Width, gets calculated
height: 0, // Height, gets calculated
columns: 15, // Number of tile columns
rows: 14, // Number of tile rows
tilewidth: 40, // Visual width of a tile
tileheight: 40, // Visual height of a tile
rowheight: 34, // Height of a row
radius: 20, // Bubble collision radius
tiles: [] // The two-dimensional tile array
// Define a tile class
var Tile = function(x, y, type, shift) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.type = type;
this.removed = false;
this.shift = shift;
this.velocity = 0;
this.alpha = 1;
this.processed = false;
// Player
var player = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
angle: 0,
tiletype: 0,
bubble: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
angle: 0,
speed: 1000,
dropspeed: 900,
tiletype: 0,
visible: false
nextbubble: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
tiletype: 0
// Neighbor offset table
var neighborsoffsets = [[[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1]], // Even row tiles
[[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, -1]]]; // Odd row tiles
// Number of different colors
var bubblecolors = 7;
// Game states
var gamestates = { init: 0, ready: 1, shootbubble: 2, removecluster: 3, gameover: 4 };
var gamestate = gamestates.init;
// Score
var score = 0;
var turncounter = 0;
var rowoffset = 0;
// Animation variables
var animationstate = 0;
var animationtime = 0;
// Clusters
var showcluster = false;
var cluster = [];
var floatingclusters = [];
// Images
var images = [];
var bubbleimage;
// Image loading global variables
var loadcount = 0;
var loadtotal = 0;
var preloaded = false;
// Load images
function loadImages(imagefiles) {
// Initialize variables
loadcount = 0;
loadtotal = imagefiles.length;
preloaded = false;
// Load the images
var loadedimages = [];
for (var i=0; i<imagefiles.length; i++) {
// Create the image object
var image = new Image();
// Add onload event handler
image.onload = function () {
if (loadcount == loadtotal) {
// Done loading
preloaded = true;
// Set the source url of the image
image.src = imagefiles[i];
// Save to the image array
loadedimages[i] = image;
// Return an array of images
return loadedimages;
// Initialize the game
function init() {
// Load images
images = loadImages(["bubble-sprites.png"]);
bubbleimage = images[0];
// Add mouse events
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
// Initialize the two-dimensional tile array
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
level.tiles[i] = [];
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
// Define a tile type and a shift parameter for animation
level.tiles[i][j] = new Tile(i, j, 0, 0);
level.width = level.columns * level.tilewidth + level.tilewidth/2;
level.height = (level.rows-1) * level.rowheight + level.tileheight;
// Init the player
player.x = level.x + level.width/2 - level.tilewidth/2;
player.y = level.y + level.height;
player.angle = 90;
player.tiletype = 0;
player.nextbubble.x = player.x - 2 * level.tilewidth;
player.nextbubble.y = player.y;
// New game
// Enter main loop
// Main loop
function main(tframe) {
// Request animation frames
if (!initialized) {
// Preloader
// Clear the canvas
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Draw the frame
// Draw a progress bar
var loadpercentage = loadcount/loadtotal;
context.strokeStyle = "#ff8080";
context.strokeRect(18.5, 0.5 + canvas.height - 51, canvas.width-37, 32);
context.fillStyle = "#ff8080";
context.fillRect(18.5, 0.5 + canvas.height - 51, loadpercentage*(canvas.width-37), 32);
// Draw the progress text
var loadtext = "Loaded " + loadcount + "/" + loadtotal + " images";
context.fillStyle = "#000000";
context.font = "16px Verdana";
context.fillText(loadtext, 18, 0.5 + canvas.height - 63);
if (preloaded) {
// Add a delay for demonstration purposes
setTimeout(function(){initialized = true;}, 1000);
} else {
// Update and render the game
// Update the game state
function update(tframe) {
var dt = (tframe - lastframe) / 1000;
lastframe = tframe;
// Update the fps counter
if (gamestate == gamestates.ready) {
// Game is ready for player input
} else if (gamestate == gamestates.shootbubble) {
// Bubble is moving
} else if (gamestate == gamestates.removecluster) {
// Remove cluster and drop tiles
function setGameState(newgamestate) {
gamestate = newgamestate;
animationstate = 0;
animationtime = 0;
function stateShootBubble(dt) {
// Bubble is moving
// Move the bubble in the direction of the mouse
player.bubble.x += dt * player.bubble.speed * Math.cos(degToRad(player.bubble.angle));
player.bubble.y += dt * player.bubble.speed * -1*Math.sin(degToRad(player.bubble.angle));
// Handle left and right collisions with the level
if (player.bubble.x <= level.x) {
// Left edge
player.bubble.angle = 180 - player.bubble.angle;
player.bubble.x = level.x;
} else if (player.bubble.x + level.tilewidth >= level.x + level.width) {
// Right edge
player.bubble.angle = 180 - player.bubble.angle;
player.bubble.x = level.x + level.width - level.tilewidth;
// Collisions with the top of the level
if (player.bubble.y <= level.y) {
// Top collision
player.bubble.y = level.y;
// Collisions with other tiles
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
var tile = level.tiles[i][j];
// Skip empty tiles
if (tile.type < 0) {
// Check for intersections
var coord = getTileCoordinate(i, j);
if (circleIntersection(player.bubble.x + level.tilewidth/2,
player.bubble.y + level.tileheight/2,
coord.tilex + level.tilewidth/2,
coord.tiley + level.tileheight/2,
level.radius)) {
// Intersection with a level bubble
function stateRemoveCluster(dt) {
if (animationstate == 0) {
// Mark the tiles as removed
for (var i=0; i<cluster.length; i++) {
// Set the removed flag
cluster[i].removed = true;
// Add cluster score
score += cluster.length * 100;
// Find floating clusters
floatingclusters = findFloatingClusters();
if (floatingclusters.length > 0) {
// Setup drop animation
for (var i=0; i<floatingclusters.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<floatingclusters[i].length; j++) {
var tile = floatingclusters[i][j];
tile.shift = 0;
tile.shift = 1;
tile.velocity = player.bubble.dropspeed;
score += 100;
animationstate = 1;
if (animationstate == 1) {
// Pop bubbles
var tilesleft = false;
for (var i=0; i<cluster.length; i++) {
var tile = cluster[i];
if (tile.type >= 0) {
tilesleft = true;
// Alpha animation
tile.alpha -= dt * 15;
if (tile.alpha < 0) {
tile.alpha = 0;
if (tile.alpha == 0) {
tile.type = -1;
tile.alpha = 1;
// Drop bubbles
for (var i=0; i<floatingclusters.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<floatingclusters[i].length; j++) {
var tile = floatingclusters[i][j];
if (tile.type >= 0) {
tilesleft = true;
// Accelerate dropped tiles
tile.velocity += dt * 700;
tile.shift += dt * tile.velocity;
// Alpha animation
tile.alpha -= dt * 8;
if (tile.alpha < 0) {
tile.alpha = 0;
// Check if the bubbles are past the bottom of the level
if (tile.alpha == 0 || (tile.y * level.rowheight + tile.shift > (level.rows - 1) * level.rowheight + level.tileheight)) {
tile.type = -1;
tile.shift = 0;
tile.alpha = 1;
if (!tilesleft) {
// Next bubble
// Check for game over
var tilefound = false
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
if (level.tiles[i][j].type != -1) {
tilefound = true;
if (tilefound) {
} else {
// No tiles left, game over
// Snap bubble to the grid
function snapBubble() {
// Get the grid position
var centerx = player.bubble.x + level.tilewidth/2;
var centery = player.bubble.y + level.tileheight/2;
var gridpos = getGridPosition(centerx, centery);
// Make sure the grid position is valid
if (gridpos.x < 0) {
gridpos.x = 0;
if (gridpos.x >= level.columns) {
gridpos.x = level.columns - 1;
if (gridpos.y < 0) {
gridpos.y = 0;
if (gridpos.y >= level.rows) {
gridpos.y = level.rows - 1;
// Check if the tile is empty
var addtile = false;
if (level.tiles[gridpos.x][gridpos.y].type != -1) {
// Tile is not empty, shift the new tile downwards
for (var newrow=gridpos.y+1; newrow<level.rows; newrow++) {
if (level.tiles[gridpos.x][newrow].type == -1) {
gridpos.y = newrow;
addtile = true;
} else {
addtile = true;
// Add the tile to the grid
if (addtile) {
// Hide the player bubble
player.bubble.visible = false;
// Set the tile
level.tiles[gridpos.x][gridpos.y].type = player.bubble.tiletype;
// Check for game over
if (checkGameOver()) {
// Find clusters
cluster = findCluster(gridpos.x, gridpos.y, true, true, false);
if (cluster.length >= 3) {
// Remove the cluster
// No clusters found
if (turncounter >= 5) {
// Add a row of bubbles
turncounter = 0;
rowoffset = (rowoffset + 1) % 2;
if (checkGameOver()) {
// Next bubble
function checkGameOver() {
// Check for game over
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
// Check if there are bubbles in the bottom row
if (level.tiles[i][level.rows-1].type != -1) {
// Game over
return true;
return false;
function addBubbles() {
// Move the rows downwards
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows-1; j++) {
level.tiles[i][level.rows-1-j].type = level.tiles[i][level.rows-1-j-1].type;
// Add a new row of bubbles at the top
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
// Add random, existing, colors
level.tiles[i][0].type = getExistingColor();
// Find the remaining colors
function findColors() {
var foundcolors = [];
var colortable = [];
for (var i=0; i<bubblecolors; i++) {
// Check all tiles
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
var tile = level.tiles[i][j];
if (tile.type >= 0) {
if (!colortable[tile.type]) {
colortable[tile.type] = true;
return foundcolors;
// Find cluster at the specified tile location
function findCluster(tx, ty, matchtype, reset, skipremoved) {
// Reset the processed flags
if (reset) {
// Get the target tile. Tile coord must be valid.
var targettile = level.tiles[tx][ty];
// Initialize the toprocess array with the specified tile
var toprocess = [targettile];
targettile.processed = true;
var foundcluster = [];
while (toprocess.length > 0) {
// Pop the last element from the array
var currenttile = toprocess.pop();
// Skip processed and empty tiles
if (currenttile.type == -1) {
// Skip tiles with the removed flag
if (skipremoved && currenttile.removed) {
// Check if current tile has the right type, if matchtype is true
if (!matchtype || (currenttile.type == targettile.type)) {
// Add current tile to the cluster
// Get the neighbors of the current tile
var neighbors = getNeighbors(currenttile);
// Check the type of each neighbor
for (var i=0; i<neighbors.length; i++) {
if (!neighbors[i].processed) {
// Add the neighbor to the toprocess array
neighbors[i].processed = true;
// Return the found cluster
return foundcluster;
// Find floating clusters
function findFloatingClusters() {
// Reset the processed flags
var foundclusters = [];
// Check all tiles
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
var tile = level.tiles[i][j];
if (!tile.processed) {
// Find all attached tiles
var foundcluster = findCluster(i, j, false, false, true);
// There must be a tile in the cluster
if (foundcluster.length <= 0) {
// Check if the cluster is floating
var floating = true;
for (var k=0; k<foundcluster.length; k++) {
if (foundcluster[k].y == 0) {
// Tile is attached to the roof
floating = false;
if (floating) {
// Found a floating cluster
return foundclusters;
// Reset the processed flags
function resetProcessed() {
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
level.tiles[i][j].processed = false;
// Reset the removed flags
function resetRemoved() {
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
level.tiles[i][j].removed = false;
// Get the neighbors of the specified tile
function getNeighbors(tile) {
var tilerow = (tile.y + rowoffset) % 2; // Even or odd row
var neighbors = [];
// Get the neighbor offsets for the specified tile
var n = neighborsoffsets[tilerow];
// Get the neighbors
for (var i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
// Neighbor coordinate
var nx = tile.x + n[i][0];
var ny = tile.y + n[i][1];
// Make sure the tile is valid
if (nx >= 0 && nx < level.columns && ny >= 0 && ny < level.rows) {
return neighbors;
function updateFps(dt) {
if (fpstime > 0.25) {
// Calculate fps
fps = Math.round(framecount / fpstime);
// Reset time and framecount
fpstime = 0;
framecount = 0;
// Increase time and framecount
fpstime += dt;
// Draw text that is centered
function drawCenterText(text, x, y, width) {
var textdim = context.measureText(text);
context.fillText(text, x + (width-textdim.width)/2, y);
// Render the game
function render() {
// Draw the frame around the game
var yoffset = level.tileheight/2;
// Draw level background
context.fillStyle = "#8c8c8c";
context.fillRect(level.x - 4, level.y - 4, level.width + 8, level.height + 4 - yoffset);
// Render tiles
// Draw level bottom
context.fillStyle = "#656565";
context.fillRect(level.x - 4, level.y - 4 + level.height + 4 - yoffset, level.width + 8, 2*level.tileheight + 3);
// Draw score
context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
context.font = "18px Verdana";
var scorex = level.x + level.width - 150;
var scorey = level.y+level.height + level.tileheight - yoffset - 8;
drawCenterText("Score:", scorex, scorey, 150);
context.font = "24px Verdana";
drawCenterText(score, scorex, scorey+30, 150);
// Render cluster
if (showcluster) {
renderCluster(cluster, 255, 128, 128);
for (var i=0; i<floatingclusters.length; i++) {
var col = Math.floor(100 + 100 * i / floatingclusters.length);
renderCluster(floatingclusters[i], col, col, col);
// Render player bubble
// Game Over overlay
if (gamestate == gamestates.gameover) {
context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)";
context.fillRect(level.x - 4, level.y - 4, level.width + 8, level.height + 2 * level.tileheight + 8 - yoffset);
context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
context.font = "24px Verdana";
drawCenterText("Game Over!", level.x, level.y + level.height / 2 + 10, level.width);
drawCenterText("Click to start", level.x, level.y + level.height / 2 + 40, level.width);
// Draw a frame around the game
function drawFrame() {
// Draw background
context.fillStyle = "#e8eaec";
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Draw header
context.fillStyle = "#303030";
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, 79);
// Draw title
context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
context.font = "24px Verdana";
context.fillText("Bubble Shooter Example - TechWorld4u09.com", 10, 37);
// Display fps
context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
context.font = "12px Verdana";
context.fillText("Fps: " + fps, 13, 57);
// Render tiles
function renderTiles() {
// Top to bottom
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
// Get the tile
var tile = level.tiles[i][j];
// Get the shift of the tile for animation
var shift = tile.shift;
// Calculate the tile coordinates
var coord = getTileCoordinate(i, j);
// Check if there is a tile present
if (tile.type >= 0) {
// Support transparency
context.globalAlpha = tile.alpha;
// Draw the tile using the color
drawBubble(coord.tilex, coord.tiley + shift, tile.type);
// Render cluster
function renderCluster(cluster, r, g, b) {
for (var i=0; i<cluster.length; i++) {
// Calculate the tile coordinates
var coord = getTileCoordinate(cluster[i].x, cluster[i].y);
// Draw the tile using the color
context.fillStyle = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";
context.fillRect(coord.tilex+level.tilewidth/4, coord.tiley+level.tileheight/4, level.tilewidth/2, level.tileheight/2);
// Render the player bubble
function renderPlayer() {
var centerx = player.x + level.tilewidth/2;
var centery = player.y + level.tileheight/2;
// Draw player background circle
context.fillStyle = "#7a7a7a";
context.arc(centerx, centery, level.radius+12, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.strokeStyle = "#8c8c8c";
// Draw the angle
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.strokeStyle = "#0000ff";
context.moveTo(centerx, centery);
context.lineTo(centerx + 1.5*level.tilewidth * Math.cos(degToRad(player.angle)), centery - 1.5*level.tileheight * Math.sin(degToRad(player.angle)));
// Draw the next bubble
drawBubble(player.nextbubble.x, player.nextbubble.y, player.nextbubble.tiletype);
// Draw the bubble
if (player.bubble.visible) {
drawBubble(player.bubble.x, player.bubble.y, player.bubble.tiletype);
// Get the tile coordinate
function getTileCoordinate(column, row) {
var tilex = level.x + column * level.tilewidth;
// X offset for odd or even rows
if ((row + rowoffset) % 2) {
tilex += level.tilewidth/2;
var tiley = level.y + row * level.rowheight;
return { tilex: tilex, tiley: tiley };
// Get the closest grid position
function getGridPosition(x, y) {
var gridy = Math.floor((y - level.y) / level.rowheight);
// Check for offset
var xoffset = 0;
if ((gridy + rowoffset) % 2) {
xoffset = level.tilewidth / 2;
var gridx = Math.floor(((x - xoffset) - level.x) / level.tilewidth);
return { x: gridx, y: gridy };
// Draw the bubble
function drawBubble(x, y, index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= bubblecolors)
// Draw the bubble sprite
context.drawImage(bubbleimage, index * 40, 0, 40, 40, x, y, level.tilewidth, level.tileheight);
// Start a new game
function newGame() {
// Reset score
score = 0;
turncounter = 0;
rowoffset = 0;
// Set the gamestate to ready
// Create the level
// Init the next bubble and set the current bubble
// Create a random level
function createLevel() {
// Create a level with random tiles
for (var j=0; j<level.rows; j++) {
var randomtile = randRange(0, bubblecolors-1);
var count = 0;
for (var i=0; i<level.columns; i++) {
if (count >= 2) {
// Change the random tile
var newtile = randRange(0, bubblecolors-1);
// Make sure the new tile is different from the previous tile
if (newtile == randomtile) {
newtile = (newtile + 1) % bubblecolors;
randomtile = newtile;
count = 0;
if (j < level.rows/2) {
level.tiles[i][j].type = randomtile;
} else {
level.tiles[i][j].type = -1;
// Create a random bubble for the player
function nextBubble() {
// Set the current bubble
player.tiletype = player.nextbubble.tiletype;
player.bubble.tiletype = player.nextbubble.tiletype;
player.bubble.x = player.x;
player.bubble.y = player.y;
player.bubble.visible = true;
// Get a random type from the existing colors
var nextcolor = getExistingColor();
// Set the next bubble
player.nextbubble.tiletype = nextcolor;
// Get a random existing color
function getExistingColor() {
existingcolors = findColors();
var bubbletype = 0;
if (existingcolors.length > 0) {
bubbletype = existingcolors[randRange(0, existingcolors.length-1)];
return bubbletype;
// Get a random int between low and high, inclusive
function randRange(low, high) {
return Math.floor(low + Math.random()*(high-low+1));
// Shoot the bubble
function shootBubble() {
// Shoot the bubble in the direction of the mouse
player.bubble.x = player.x;
player.bubble.y = player.y;
player.bubble.angle = player.angle;
player.bubble.tiletype = player.tiletype;
// Set the gamestate
// Check if two circles intersect
function circleIntersection(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
// Calculate the distance between the centers
var dx = x1 - x2;
var dy = y1 - y2;
var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (len < r1 + r2) {
// Circles intersect
return true;
return false;
// Convert radians to degrees
function radToDeg(angle) {
return angle * (180 / Math.PI);
// Convert degrees to radians
function degToRad(angle) {
return angle * (Math.PI / 180);
// On mouse movement
function onMouseMove(e) {
// Get the mouse position
var pos = getMousePos(canvas, e);
// Get the mouse angle
var mouseangle = radToDeg(Math.atan2((player.y+level.tileheight/2) - pos.y, pos.x - (player.x+level.tilewidth/2)));
// Convert range to 0, 360 degrees
if (mouseangle < 0) {
mouseangle = 180 + (180 + mouseangle);
// Restrict angle to 8, 172 degrees
var lbound = 8;
var ubound = 172;
if (mouseangle > 90 && mouseangle < 270) {
// Left
if (mouseangle > ubound) {
mouseangle = ubound;
} else {
// Right
if (mouseangle < lbound || mouseangle >= 270) {
mouseangle = lbound;
// Set the player angle
player.angle = mouseangle;
// On mouse button click
function onMouseDown(e) {
// Get the mouse position
var pos = getMousePos(canvas, e);
if (gamestate == gamestates.ready) {
} else if (gamestate == gamestates.gameover) {
// Get the mouse position
function getMousePos(canvas, e) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: Math.round((e.clientX - rect.left)/(rect.right - rect.left)*canvas.width),
y: Math.round((e.clientY - rect.top)/(rect.bottom - rect.top)*canvas.height)
// Call init to start the game