1 ] Question : Which animal is used to study the effect of miotics?
1 ) Rabbit
2 ) Guinea-pig
3 ) Frog
4 ) Rat

2 ] Question : Ephedrine is used as a …….
1 ) Mydriatic drug
2 ) Miotic drug
3 ) Laxative drug
4 ) Antacid drug

3 ] Question : Which animal is used for pyrogen testing?
1 ) Rabbit
2 ) Guinea-pig
3 ) Mouse
4 ) Frog

4 ] Question : Which paper is used for recording of activity on recording drum?
1 ) Kymograph
2 ) Graph
3 ) Craft
4 ) White

5 ] Question : Potassium dyhydrogen phosphate is constituent of…..
1 ) Krabs solution

2 ) Frong ringer solution
3 ) Ringer locke solution
4 ) De-jalon solution

6 ] Question : What is the use of calcium chloride in physiological salt solution?
1 ) To Provide contractility
2 ) To Provide ionic balance
3 ) To stabilize preparation
4 ) To stabilize preparation
5 ) To provide alkaline medium

7 ] Question : Which physiological salt solution is used for experiment of isolated heart and rectus abdominus muscle preparation?
1 ) Fron ringer
2 ) De-jalon
3 ) Ringer locke
4 ) Krabes

8 ] Question : What is the effect of adrinaline on action potential?
1 ) It increases
2 ) It decreases
3 ) It stops
4 ) None of the these

9 ] Question : What is the use of adrinaline?
1 ) Treatement of bradycardia
2 ) Treatment of Tachycardia
3 ) Treatment of Uterine disorders
4 ) Treatment of kidney failure

10 ] Question : Which adrenergic receptors is present in the heart?
1 ) Beta 1
2 ) Beta2
3 ) M1
4 ) M2

11 ] Question : Acetyl choline is a…….
1 ) Cholinergic drug
2 ) Adrenergic drug

3 ) sympathomimetic drug
4 ) Nicotinic drug

12 ] Question : Which effect is given by Acetyl Choline?
1 ) Negative Chonotropic
2 ) Adrenergic drug
3 ) sympathomimetic drug
4 ) Nicotinic drug

13 ] Question : What is the category of Rectus abdominus muscle?
1 ) Voluntary
2 ) Involuntary
3 ) Cardiac
4 ) Nervine

14 ] Question : What is the effect of acetylcholine on rectus abdominus muscle of frog?
1 ) Contraction
2 ) Relaxation
3 ) Stimulation
4 ) Suppression

15 ] Question : What is effect of acetyl choline on frog heart rate?
1 ) Decreases
2 ) Stops
3 ) Increases
4 ) None of these

16 ] Question : What is the effect of adrenaline on heart rate of frog?
1 ) Increases
2 ) Decreases
3 ) Stops
4 ) None of these

17 ] Question : M2 receptors are present at which location?
1 ) AV node of atria
2 ) CNS
3 ) Exocrine gland
4 ) Smooth muscle

18 ] Question : What is the function of intestine?
1 ) Digestion and Absorption
2 ) Excretion
3 ) Respiration
4 ) Filtration

19 ] Question : What category of the muscle the ileum of guinea pig belongs?
1 ) voluntary muscle
2 ) Involuntary muscle
3 ) cardiac muscle
4 ) None of these

20 ] Question : Which animals intestine is used to observe the effect of spasmogens ?
1 ) rabbit
2 ) Rat
3 ) Mouse
4 ) Frog

21 ] Question : Which type of receptors are present in rabbit intenstines?
1 ) Muscarinic
2 ) Nicotinic
3 ) Beta1
4 ) Beta 2

22 ] Question : Which type of effect is produced by xylocaine?
1 ) Local Anesthatia
2 ) General anesthatia
3 ) Relaxation of heart
4 ) Stimulation of heart

23 ] Question : In Toxicology……
1 ) Effect of poisons is studied
2 ) Effect of drug is studied
3 ) Effect of additive is studied
4 ) Effect of excipients is studied

24 ] Question : Increase in the size of pupil of eye means
1 ) Mydriasis
2 ) Miosis
3 ) Contraction of eye
4 ) Relaxation of eye

25 ] Question : What is the effect of strychnine sulphate on spinal cord?
1 ) Stimulation
2 ) Depression
3 ) Contraction
4 ) Relaxation

26 ] Question : Diazepem is a
1 ) Hypnotic drug
2 ) Sedative drug
3 ) Cardiotonic drug
4 ) Bronchodilator drug

27 ] Question : Mephenteramine is used as a
1 ) Vassopressor
2 ) antiamoebic
3 ) antiulcer drug
4 ) vasodilator

28 ] Question : Water is called as a—–diuretic.
1 ) Physiological
2 ) loop
3 ) thiazide
4 ) high ceiling

29 ] Question : What is the dose of hydrochlorthiazide by oral route?
1 ) 25 mg
2 ) 30mg
3 ) 50mg
4 ) 100mg

30 ] Question : What is the dose of prednisolone?
1 ) 10-20mg
2 ) 25-30mg
3 ) 35-40mg

4 ) 45-50mg

31 ] Question : streptomycin is used for the treatment of….
1 ) Tuberculosis
2 ) eye infection
3 ) heart diseases
4 ) kidney diseases

32 ] Question : Amoebiasis is the infection occuring in —–
1 ) Intestine and liver
2 ) intestine
3 ) liver
4 ) kidney

33 ] Question : Ribavarin is a—–drug.
1 ) Antiviral
2 ) Anticonvulsant
3 ) Antacid
4 ) Antiamoebic

34 ] Question : Which drug is obtained from vinca?
1 ) vincristine
2 ) neomycin
3 ) azithromycin
4 ) azithromycin

35 ] Question : The dose of thiopentone sodium is—–mg/kg body weight.
1 ) 3 to 5
2 ) 6 to 7
3 ) 7 to 8
4 ) 1 to3

36 ] Question : Levodopa always given in combination with —–.
1 ) carbidopa
2 ) carbidopa and benztropine
3 ) benztropine
4 ) orphenadrine

37 ] Question : Pimozide acts by blocking —-receptors.
1 ) D2
2 ) D1
3 ) HT1
4 ) HT2

38 ] Question : Which drug is called as largactil?
1 ) Chlorpromazine
2 ) Thioridazine
3 ) Fluphenazine
4 ) Olanzepine

39 ] Question : Which drug is contraindicated in breast feeding mother?
1 ) Tetracycline
2 ) Paracetamol
3 ) Domperidone
4 ) Senna

40 ] Question : Insulin is a—-
1 ) Polypeptide hormone
2 ) Neurotransmitter
3 ) Androgen
4 ) Receptor

41 ] Question : Gasric acid is secreted by–
1 ) gastric gland
2 ) pitutory gland
3 ) pancreas
4 ) liver

42 ] Question : Roxatidine is a—
1 ) Antiulcer drug
2 ) Laxative
3 ) Bronchodilator
4 ) Purgative

43 ] Question : Quinidine is a class—–antiarrythmic drug.
1 ) I
2 ) II
3 ) III

4 ) IV

44 ] Question : Labetalol is a—
1 ) alpha beta blocker
2 ) alpha blocker
3 ) beta blocker
4 ) d2 blocker

45 ] Question : What is the adverse effect of folic acid?
1 ) Hypersensitivity reaction
2 ) heart failure
3 ) nausea
4 ) vommiting

46 ] Question : Heparin is a—–drug.
1 ) Anticoagulant
2 ) antiamoebic
3 ) Antiplatelet
4 ) Antiviral

47 ] Question : What is the brand name of cetrizine?
1 ) Alerid
2 ) Levocet
3 ) Loridine
4 ) Zoter

48 ] Question : Crocin is a brand name of—-
1 ) Paracetamol
2 ) Aspirin
3 ) Ibuprofen
4 ) Nimesulide

49 ] Question : Cresol is a—.
1 ) Phenol derivative
2 ) oxidizing agent
3 ) Anilide
4 ) Biguanide

50 ] Question : Which animal is used to study the effect of miotics?
1 ) Rabbit
2 ) Guinea-pig
3 ) Frog
4 ) Rat

51 ] Question : What is the effect of strychnine sulphate on spinal cord?
1 ) Stimulation
2 ) Depression
3 ) Contraction
4 ) Relaxation

52 ] Question : What is the effect of Digoxin on heart rate?
1 ) Increases
2 ) Decreases
3 ) Stops
4 ) None of the these

53 ] Question : What is the effect of Digoxin on heart ?
1 ) Increases force of contraction
2 ) Decreases force of contraction
3 ) inhibits the activity of heart
4 ) Stops the activity of heart

54 ] Question : Diazepem is a—-
1 ) Hypnotic drug
2 ) Sedative drug
3 ) cardiotonic drug
4 ) Bronchodilator drug

55 ] Question : Which action is produced by diazepem ?
1 ) Anticonvulasant
2 ) Convulsant
3 ) Sedative
4 ) Laxative

56 ] Question : What do you mean by pyrexia?
1 ) Increase in body temperature
2 ) decrease in body temperature
3 ) Increase in heart rate
4 ) Decrease in heart rate

57 ] Question : Paracetamol is used for —-
1 ) To decrease body temperature
2 ) To increase body temperature
3 ) To decrease BP
4 ) To increase BP

58 ] Question : Which animal is used to do bioassay of digitalis?
1 ) Guinea-Pig
2 ) Mouse
3 ) Frog
4 ) Rat

59 ] Question : what is the dose of prednisolone?
1 ) 10-20mg
2 ) 25-30mg
3 ) 35-40mg
4 ) 45-50mg

60 ] Question : streptomycin is used for the treatment of…..
1 ) Tuberculosis
2 ) eye infection
3 ) heart diseases
4 ) kidney diseases

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