TCS NQT Online Test Pattern For 2021 and 2022

The pattern that was followed for the TCS NQT was as follows.

Section OrderSection# QsDuration (minutes)
1Numerical Ability2640
2Verbal Ability2430
3Reasoning Ability3050
4Programming Logic1015


The following was the syllabus which was tested in the slot.
Numerical ability:
• Data Interpretation
• Statistics
• Time and Work
• Mensuration
• Number System
• Time, Speed and Distance
• Ratio and Proportions
• Linear Equations
• Simple Interest and Compound Interest
• Percentages
• Profit and Loss
• Simplification – Fractions and BODMAS
• Surds and Indices

Verbal Ability:

• Reading Comprehension
• Passage Completion – Missing words (Cloze passage)
• Passage Completion – Missing sentences
• Error spotting
• Prepositions
• Sentence Completion
• Phrasal verbs
• Prepositions
• Pronouns
• Knowledge of Formal/Informal language
• Sentence improvement
• Parajumbles

Reasoning Ability:

• Attention to detail
• Unboxing a cube
• Data Arrangements
• Cuts and unfolds
• Venn diagrams
• Blood relations
• Data Interpretation
• Visual reasoning

TCS NQT 2020 | 26th Oct 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Slot Analysis

• Syllogisms
• Statements and Assumptions
• Rule based decision making
• Decision tables
Programming MCQ’s:
• Operators
• Looping statements
• Control statements
• Arrays
• Strings
• Functions
• Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
• Standard Template Libraries (STL)
• Object Modeling
• Compiler Design
• Threading
• Data Structures: Linked List, Stack, Queue, Trees and Graphs
• Recursion
• Pseudocoding
• Algorithms
• Basic Software Development Cycle
• Collections in JAVA
• Data types
• Pointers
• Abstract class in JAVA
• Files in C
• Software Testing – SDLC
• Input/Output


• Fundamentals of Programming – Conditional and looping statements, Arrays, Strings.

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