Accenture MCQ Quantitative Aptitude Questions And Answers

Accenture MCQ Quantitative Aptitude Questions And Answers

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Accenture Quantitative Aptitude MCQs : This section focuses on “Quantitative Aptitude” for Accenture Exam. These Quantitative Aptitude MCQs are asked in previous Accenture placements/recruitment exams and will help you to prepare for upcoming Accenture drives.

  1. The speed of a car is 45 km/ hr. The amount of distance travelled by the car in 240 minutes is same as the distance travelled by a train in 25 minutes. What is the speed of the train in km/hr?

A. 120 km/hr
B. 432 km/hr
C. 240 km/hr
D. 440 km/hr
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Ans : B
Explanation: 240 minutes = 240/60 = 4 hours
Distance travelled by the car in 4 hours = 45×4 = 180 kms
Time taken by the train to travel 180 kms = 25 minutes = 25/60 hours
Speed of the train = Distance/ time = 180/ (25/60) = 432 km/ hr

  1. Pipe A alone takes 30 minutes to fill a cistern. Pipe A was turned off after working for 10 minutes. The rest of the cistern is filled by pipe B in 40 minutes. How much time in minutes does pipe B take to fill the cistern alone in hours?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
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Ans : A
Explanation: Time taken by the pipe A to fill the cistern = 30 minutes = 0.5 hours
Fraction of the cistern filled in one minute = 1/30
Fraction of cistern filled in 10 minutes = (1/30)×10 = 1/3
Fraction of cistern yet to be filled = 1-1/3 = 2/3
2/3 of cistern is filled by pipe B in 40 minutes. Time taken to fill a complete cistern is 1/ (2/3) × 40
= 60 minutes = 1 hour

  1. The average age of a man and his son is 28 years. The ratio of their ages is 3 :1 respectively. What is the mans age?

A. 30 Years
B. 38 Years
C. 44 Years
D. 42 Years
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Ans : C
Explanation: Total sum of mans age & his sons age = 28 × 2 = 56.
Now, the Ratio of their ages is 3 : 1.
Therefore, Mans age = (3/4) × 56 = 42

  1. How many integers are there between 300 and 600 that are divisible by 9?

A. 25
B. 28
C. 31
D. 33
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Ans : D
Explanation: The sequence is 306,… 594

  1. Find the amount lost by Hannah when she sold a hand wash at a loss of 22%, if she bought it for $150.

A. 29
B. 33
C. 42
D. 36
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Ans : C
Explanation: C.P=$ 150
% Loss=22%
S.P=[(100-loss%)/100]C.P =[(100-22)/100]150
S.P= 117
Amount Loss= C.P-S.P
Answer =$33

  1. Pam can complete a job in 36 days. She started the work and after 6 days, Leslie joined her. They completed the job in 12 more days. Find the number of days in which Leslie alone can complete it.

A. 28 days
B. 24 days
C. 12 days
D. 16 days
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Ans : B
Explanation: Let say PAM 1 day work = P
Hence total work = 36P
Pam worked for 6 + 12 = 18 Days
Work done by PAM = 18P
Remaining working = 36P – 18P = 18P
Work done by Leslie in 12 days = 18P
=> Work done by Leslie in 24 days = 36P
Hence Leslie alone can complete it. in 24 Days.

  1. Determine the average of the following data 96, 24, 102, 45, 63

A. 67
B. 68
C. 69
D. 66
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Ans : D
Explanation: Average of any series = Sum of numbers in given series/ number of items in the series.
Hence 96+24+102+45+63/5
= 330/5 = 66

  1. A bag contains 3 red,5yellow and 4 green balls.3 balls are drawn randomly, what is the probability that the ball drawn contains no yellow ball?

A. (9/44)
B. (37/44)
C. (43/44)
D. (7/44)
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  1. A positive integer is selected at random and is divided by 7,what is the probability that the remainder is 1?

A. (3/7)
B. (4/7)
C. (1/7)
D. (2/7)
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Ans : C
Explanation: Any positive integer can be represented as; 7n+1 7n+2 7n+3 7n+4 7n+5 7n+6 When the integer is divided by 7, it leaves the remainder 1 Therefore the integer has to be of type 7n+1 Therefore the probability of choosing a number of the type 7n+1 is 1/7

  1. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST

A. (7/8)
B. (5/3)
C. (2/3)
D. (1/2)
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Ans : D
Explanation: 1:2 as traingle resides half of parallelogram

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