Wipro Elite NTH 2022 Interview Questions: Technical & HR Questions For Freshers

Wipro Elite NTH 2022 Interview Questions: Technical & HR Questions For Freshers

The Elite National Talent Hunt (NTH) is a new program launched by Wipro, aimed at attracting the brightest engineering talents throughout the country. The goal of this program is to provide equal job opportunities to India’s most worthy and capable engineering talent. 

Wipro Elite NTH: Selection Process

So, how many rounds are there in Wipro Elite NTH 2022?

Knowing the answer to this question would help you to prepare better for the exam. Wipro Elite NTH has 3 rounds which are as follows:

Round 1Online Assessment
Round 2Technical Assessment
Round 3HR Interview/Business Discussion Round

Wipro Elite NTH- Assessment Round

The online assessment round has 3 sections. These sections are as follows:

1.Aptitude RoundQuantitative AptitudeLogical ReasoningVerbal Ability48min
2.Written Communication RoundEssay Writing20min
3.Online Programming Round2 Coding Programs in Java/C/C++/Python60min

Wipro Elite NTH- Interview Round- Technical Questions

After the assessment rounds, it is of essence that you are able to articulate your knowledge in front of the interviewers. You should prepare for all the possible interview questions. 

The Top-30 questions which you should know for clearing the technical round are:

1.Tell me something about C++/Java.
2.What is Object-Oriented Programming?
3.Why do we need OOPs?
4.Explain polymorphism
5.What exactly is NLP?
6.What is normalisation?
7.What is the name of the compiler used in Java?
8.Tell me about threading in Java.
9.What are the differences between C++ and Java?
10.Explain the difference between primary key and foreign key
11.Differentiate between overloading and overriding.
12.What is the difference between AL and ML?
13.What are strong AI and weak AI?
14.Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.
15.What are array and linked lists? Explain the difference between them.
16.Explain Encapsulation and Abstraction.
17.How can we dynamically allocate memory in C?
18.What are DDL and DML commands?
19.What is a pointer and how will you declare it?
20.Write me a code for finding the factorial of a number?
21.Write the code for printing n Fibonacci numbers?
22.Explain the prime number code.
23Write a program to swap two numbers without using the third variable.
24.If I were to write a code which is not supposed to take 0 as the input, what would I do to let the user know that he is giving an invalid input?
25.If you want to insert a node between two linked lists, how will you approach the problem?
26.How to print the first non-repeated character from a string?
27.How is a binary search tree implemented?
28.How do you design a vending machine?
29.Name some different OS you know of.
30.Why did you choose this programming language over other programming languages?

Wipro Elite NTH- Interview Round- HR Questions

The last round in Wipro Elite NTH is the HR interview round. Various aspects of your personality will be judged in this round. So, the one thing that is a must have for this round is confidence. 

These are some of the questions for which you should prepare yourself before the HR interview round.

1.Tell me something about yourself.
2.Do you recall the topic you wrote the essay on?
3.Which is your dream company?
4.Do you plan to do a master’s degree in future?
5.Does any CEO or Chairperson’s life inspire you? How?
6.Why do you want to join Wipro?
7.Are you fine with relocation?
8.Are you comfortable with the 15-month agreement with Wipro?
9.Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
10.Tell me about your internships/projects?
11.Any preferred location?
12.Is there any gap in your studies, or any backlogs?
13.What do you know about Wipro?
14.If you get in conflict with one of your colleagues, how would you deescalate the situation?
15.Why do you want to work in the IT sector when you are from a non-CS branch?

So, if you really want to make the best out of the opportunity being provided by Wipro, you must prepare these questions thoroughly and brush up your coding skills and communication skills which are the most important requirements for the interview system.

Additional Reading

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